- #Webassign student add before course start how to#
- #Webassign student add before course start zip file#
- #Webassign student add before course start update#
- #Webassign student add before course start archive#
- #Webassign student add before course start password#
When the SFTP import finishes, click Review SFTP Data.You don't need to remove the previous file from the SFTP server. Correct any errors in the data files, then repeat steps 8 and 9. If your upload contains errors, you can review a log identifying the files and lines that contain errors. Click Continue in the SIS/SFTP Assistant.
#Webassign student add before course start zip file#
Copy the zip file to the dropbox directory.
#Webassign student add before course start password#
When asked for sign in information, use the user name and password you received when you clicked Set Up SFTP. Use a SFTP client to connect to the URL shown in the SIS/SFTP Assistant.
Upload the zip file to Apple School Manager. It doesn't matter what you name the zip archive. In the Finder you can select the files then go to the File menu and choose Compress 6 Items. #Webassign student add before course start archive#
When your data files are filled out, create a zip archive of all six files. Read the instructions for using templates in the “Filling Out Data Files” section. Use this information to configure your SFTP client. Apple School Manager generates a URL, user name, and password to use when uploading files. Click Find Students, Staff, and Classes. You must verify a domain before you can set up SFTP. Click Settings in the bottom-left corner, choose Data Source, then click Connect. Sign in to Apple School Manager as an Admin, Site Manager, or People Manager. Students who complete a course evaluation for each course will have access to their term grades earlier. The information is anonymous and is not received by instructors until after course grades have been posted. This form is available in your WEBSTER account. When you complete your course, please take a moment to fill out and submit a Course and Instructor Evaluation. Your feedback is essential to improving the quality of online and onsite courses and services. Be sure that you’ve completed all necessary documents, including consortial agreements if you are taking classes at another school as well as EOU, and a book voucher if you wish to use FA to pay for your books.įinal grades can be viewed in your Webster account. Access your FA award in your Webster account. You must be an admitted student to be eligible to use financial aid to pay for your classes. The EOU Student Handbook applies to off-campus students as well as on-campus.Īnyone with a pre-existing disability or who thinks they may have a disability and would like to use appropriate accommodations for coursework, must register with the EOU ADA office at 54. EOU provides free tutoring services for distance students through eTutoring. Research help is available from Pierce Library by phone or email. We offer free services to help you complete your courses. Students may email instructors to request a syllabus prior to the beginning of the term. Instructors provide a complete syllabus as part of their course in Canvas. NOTE: Obtaining a Syllabus: In a few instances, a preliminary syllabus may be available in Webster before the term begins. Refer to your syllabus for specific assignment deadlines. Refer to the Academic Calendar for course start and end dates. Canvas login and information is located here: My.EOU Portal. If you are enrolled in a course and it does not appear in Canvas after the start of the term, contact your instructor. For the most part, courses do not become available until the first day of the term. When you log into Canvas, you’ll see a list of your courses. You may wish to review the instructions on the EOU Portal site. La Grande area students should contact the Testing Services office for additional information about exams. You will find proctor information and steps for requesting your exams online at Testing Services. Some EOU courses require a proctor to administer the exam. Book vouchers may be requested by following the procedure listed by EOU’s Student Accounts office. The EOU Bookstore web site also provides a list of all required textbooks and materials for your course. Please look for the “Order Books” link at the bottom of “Register/Add/Drop Classes” page.
You can order your textbook directly through your Webster account. You may also view class schedules and syllabi without logging into Webster. To log into EOU Webster, use your Mountie Pass.
#Webassign student add before course start update#
You can view and update your personal information including your personal e-mail address, add or drop courses, view your academic records and financial aid and find the name of your academic advisor. Mountie Pass Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and information about your login and password is located on the EOU Portal site, go to: E-mail, Webster, Canvas and more! Your Mountie Pass account will be created when you are admitted to EOU or become a non-admit student. Mountie Pass is your single username and password to sign into many EOU services.
#Webassign student add before course start how to#