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The healer erykah badu download

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#The healer erykah badu download plus#

So, on the end part of the mixtape we have four different “Honey” remixes plus a brief a capella vocal interlude. The secret ingredient was giving everybody some and seeing what happened. Not some special people whose work she liked but any old any who out there with an internet connection could get to the straight up vocal track and push their own flavor. Even set up a contest open to any USA citizen. She made her “Honey” vocal tracks available to the world for folk to work with and get back to her.

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Erykah said open this bad boy up-one album, yall all feed off this. Little did I know, the new joint was a starting point not the end result. When the new joint dropped, I thought cool but was not hot on it. Somebody in China or Australia or Britain or South Africa sending back a remix. Sending down and dirty probes and then catching the reply on the other side. I dig it to the deepest, like coming out on the other side of the world by burrowing through earth’s core instead of flying around the surface.

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So, for Erykah, performance is fission and recording/remixing is fusion. (Erykah is the first artist to push the general populace to get to fusion using digital technology.) Hip hop is taking pre-existing elements and fusing them to create a new element. See, this is beyond some simple industrial, analog sonic production, which is often simply a matter of recording what is created in a given moment.

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(The fusion process is analogous to remixing, sampling and mashing. In the process of performing, tearing apart the component parts and expressing ‘whatever’ in that particular process. Like how she blows on the fourth track, “Other Side Of The Game.” Sounds like she’s going to hurt something, or somebody, or fly apart, nuclear fission. Rearing back on her hind legs and ripping off long screams into the nightscape, a she-wolf melodiously baying at the moon.

#The healer erykah badu download full#

Listen to the first part of the mixtape which features Erykah full out blowing. If that is the case, we would expect her live performance to be stronger than her recordings. Since we humans are capable of both, we ought to use all our capacities even as we may choose at any given moment to favor one or the other approach.Įrykah says she is primarily a performance artist, rather than a recording artist. Think of recording as thinking and performing as feeling, except not one to the exclusion of the other but rather one leading the other. Recording is part of the aesthetic of composing, that is thinking through and defining/designing a moment usually with a process of refining the moment, whereas performance is creating the moment on the spot. Many who are good at one or not necessarily good at the other. Recording and performance are two different disciplines. Performance is a creation of and in the moment. Badu says: recording is an attempt to perfect a moment. Two is reflection on a pre-existing moment. So, while the mixtape is running consider the following:Įrykah understands that sound production (i.e. And, finally, it’s about involving ourselves not on in the business of culture but also viewing ourselves as creators rather than objects or mere consumers of culture. Plus, it’s also about subverting the dominance of business in mediating culture. Music is the vehicle but really it’s about seizing the means of production and distribution. Kalamu, what in the funk are you talking about? It’s just music. Once it is clear what she has done, ain’t no putting that bad boy back in the bottle. This is some shazaam, abracadabra, open sesame shit. I am interested in her music as more than music. Badu has unleashed a revolution in hip hop production.

#The healer erykah badu download free#

This is what it sounds like when our sounds are not for sale, or at least what some of our free sounds sound like. Unmediated by the dominant authority forces. What we have here is alternative communication. This is a mixtape that is composed of tracks that are not commercially available but instead are floating throughout the atmosphere via the internet. The new way is off the chain (of the old way). HIP HOP - it’s bigger than religion HIP HOP - it’s bigger than my niggah HIP HOP - it’s bigger than the government This One Is the HealerĮrykah brings it, whatever you think the ‘it’ is that is necessary to get to the heads, make them not only nod but think, and re-think, and do. ERYKAH BADU / “Erykah Badu Live & Remixes Mixtape”

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