With more details, in that 5 seconds, the process of Star Wars Battlefront 2 try to load but auto-close y task manager. Pressing "Start trial" after download the game, the origin close in background mode. Well I saw this same issue in other post, and forums but i tryed every single solution but still have the problem. Try this, if still happen the same, open a ticket cause maybe they need to change something from their system. Anyways I did (to do this you need to logout and close origin app, even try to kill all origin process in task manager like i did) then use CCleaner to clear registry and computer (important, computer too, cause if you see Ccleaner working there's a moment it delete a origin temp folder o file) then reboot and play. I think the important is the first one, cause the others I delete them when clean cache but in the first the article of EA to clear cache said dont delete some folders. So finally give me a instructions to delete the Origin folders (complete) in:
(They didnt told me more, but I think in some point, trying to test at both computers the system detect in so close time 2 tryes and "block" it for security) So they give me a code for email for security reasons to prove I'm the own of the account (in this process I dont know If the specialist do something at my account I think they do but Im not sure) In my case, they told me, try to run in safe mode with network, I did and get the same error that my Laptop "Too many computers try to access to star Wars Battlefront II test." so in my secont chat with them after send a dxdiag and msinfo log with the screenshot of the error in safe mode, they give me some instructions after told me, the problem was I use origin in more than 1 computer.

After open 2 chats with EA Support we could finally solve the problem.

I know, maybe it's too late cause tomorrow will release but well.